Environmental Policy


Elimpus is committed to a positive and responsible course of action with regard to those aspects of the business which impact upon the environment. It seeks always to act in accordance with good practice, preserving and, where possible, enhancing the quality of the environment.


Commitment to the environment is demonstrated by maintaining an Environmental Management System, which meets the requirements of ISO 14001 and is focused on preventing pollution and continuously improving the company performance. Key components of the system include the establishment of environmental objectives and targets, which require the company to achieve continual improvement and the establishment of programmes to ensure satisfaction of these improvements, objectives and targets. Adequate financial and physical resources will be provided in order to achieve these goals.


The strategy addresses the following key areas to:

  • Recycle materials and minimise waste
  • Ensure safe transportation and disposal of waste materials
  • Review Environmental impacts pre-work
  • Improve materials (design out banned/restricted chemicals) and ensure resources used throughout the supply chain are non-restricted
  • Increase employee awareness and training
  • Protect natural resources
  • Relate to customers and regulatory authorities


Management, staff and employees are encouraged to liaise and work closely with suppliers, sub-contractors and customers to ensure the services will meet and exceed all regulatory requirements and other applicable requirements. Questions and enquiries should be directed to the Environmental Lead. A full environmental programme including targets, responsibilities and action date is included in Elimpus’ Environmental Manual. This policy is reviewed yearly and is publicly available.



(George McBride, Managing Director)

Date:     10/01/19                              


Paul Walker

(Paul Walker, Environmental Lead)

Date: 10/01/19                 















Elimpus Environmental Policy 6.1 Issue 1.1, 31/01/14