Transmission and Distribution

Elimpus conducts surveys in both AIS and GIS. In AIS detect/locate uses PDtect®2 and for GIS, using already in situ sensors, the Elimpus Service Portable. Online monitoring is completed with PDtect®4 Mobile which is particularly prevalent on the transmission side installations.

Process Industries

For MV switchgear similar principles are applied with a sensor in each bay to detect PD based on UHF signature. Each sensor linked in daisy chain to the local control box.

online partial discharge monitoring

Online Monitoring of VMX installation connected to server:


Offshore turbines and large marine vessels typically use cast resin type transformers and the sensitivity and noise immunity properties of UHF are advantages in these applications.

Cost and time to repair or replace for faults and failures is more difficult to mitigate in these situations. Intelligence on the changing levels of partial discharge and their significance to asset integrity will lead to more meaningful understanding of the actions needed or not, as the case may be.